Many businesses think they have a good culture, often by trying to compare themselves to other companies. However, when it comes to trying to compare cultures, there are so many little nuances it makes it impossible to compare one company to another.
Accountability in the business world should not just be top down; everyone must know they are being held accountable for their actions
Every industry that relies on the Internet to conduct business is at risk, and the construction industry is one of those industries with a large bulls-eye on its back.
Regulations alone cannot improve safety. Buy-in at all levels is needed to change the culture.
If an employer does not measure its results, then officials cannot determine if they are doing a good job or a poor job.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Why the bid-search method of purchasing Workers’ Compensation coverage is an ineffective way to reduce costs, it’s necessary to explode the commonly held misconceptions
There are numerous factors that can give you sticker shock when you see your workers’ compensation premiums, and none of them good. But they can be manageable – if you know what they are.
At its 2012 conference in Orlando, Fla., NCCI announced that these fee reductions have had little impact on curtailing medical costs. Focusing on medical fees is really not the solution.